It all actually started four and a half billion years ago, but lets not go that far back. For our convenience lets say it started two weeks ago. First came a cycle ride, the came breakfast and lastly my idea. And Nitin listened patiently and agreed. So we decided to start fun guerilla comic sessions which will typically last for 3 hours. We come together with some snacks and tea/drinks and a lot of fun. And of course... draw comics too! The whole idea is to make comic drawing enjoyable.
We came up with the name Comics Jamboree because guerilla comics was already taken :P check out that site too, its quite a lot of fun.
We had our first session on the third day of the month of May, the eleventh year of the twenty-first century at Nitin's house with three participants: Nitin, Shreyas and yours truly.
We shall be uploading stuff we draw on Comics Jamboree soon. follow us on facebook too!
PS: the sketch is a part of the one page comic I drew for the first comics jamboree. Stay tuned :D